Primary School Skill Builders!

Primary School Skill Builders is a therapy group designed specifically to support children aged between 8-11 who require additional help and guidance in the skills needed to have a successful primary school journey.

Led by trained Superyou clinicians, goals of the group include:
• Building Friendships
• Perspective Taking
• Exploring Neurodiversity
• Building their confidence and identity

Register your interest in Primary School Skill Builders in the form below, or call 08 6263 8623.

Interested in Primary School Skill Builders? Fill out the form below!

Fill out the form below to express your interest, or call 08 6263 8623.

We will get back to you in one business day about your registration.


Children aged 8-11.


Superyou Therapy, Cannington

32 Burton St, Cannington WA 6107


Term 3, 2024

Thurs 18th July 4-5pm

Thurs 1st Aug 4-5pm

Thurs 15th Aug 4-5pm

Thurs 29th Aug 4-5pm

Thurs 12th Sept 4-5pm


$320 per child across all sessions

Funding: Can use NDIS plan (improved daily living).

If there are sessions you know you can’t attend because of prior commitments, please let us know during registration or as soon as possible. **Please provide us with at least 7 days’ notice for any necessary cancellations.**