What drove you to choose a career in your discipline?
I have always had such positive memories of Speech Pathology through my own experience as a little girl, and wanted to be able to learn more about this profession. Little did I know, I was about to learn what a rewarding, people centred, compassionate, fun, challenging career I was embarking on, where I am able to support, grow, play and advocate with the most amazing little people and their families every day. I have never looked back.
Do you have any special interest areas in therapy?
My passion is within Early Childhood Intervention and all that this entails, including supporting language development, fostering play and fun, developing speech and literacy, exploring alternative communicative methods (AAC), coaching parents and teachers and advocating for inclusion within all of their favourite activities.
What’s your favourite part of your job?
My favourite part of my role is developing such long term relationships with my clients and their families. It is such a privilege to be a part of a child’s journey and supporting meaningful goals alongside their family as they grow and begin to explore new skills, relationships and environments.
Why did you join Superyou?
I joined Superyou to be a part of a culture that advocated for each clinician as an individual, supporting their individual career goals, interest areas and creating flexibility that allows me to achieve a positive work life balance.