What drove you to choose a career in your discipline?
I wanted to be able to help people and have a fun in my job. I originally wanted to be a physio but changed my mind after seeing what an OT does (no shade to physios, they are fab!).
Do you have any special interest areas in therapy?
I work in the Mealtimes and Dysphagia and Assistive Technology specialist teams, as well as doing SDA, clinical governance, FCAs and working in the Psychosocial space.
What’s your favourite part of your job?
The team – I absolutely love the team I work with!
Every day is different and I get to work with a range of clients which keeps things interesting!
Why did you join Superyou?
I wanted a job where I was given opportunity to expand on my skills and to work with great clinicians. I’m very glad I moved to Superyou!