Superyou Teenage Social Club: A neurodiverse-affirming group for teens 

Superyou Social is a neurodiverse-affirming social group that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.

Superyou Social aims to help members:

  • Advocate for themselves
  • Navigate the social world and friendships
  • Have fun and enjoy connections with others

Goals include supporting NDA-based discussions, interaction exposure, learning to build relationships, conversational skills, team-building activities and perspective-taking.

RSVP to Superyou Social


Participants aged 12-15


Superyou Cannington
32 Burton St


Each session runs from 1-2:30 on the following dates:

Wednesday 25th September
Wednesday 2nd October
Friday 4th October


$388 per participant inclusive of all sessions

Funding: You can utilise your NDIS plan (improved daily living) or fund the sessions privately.